Welcome to Journeys!

With this newsletter, we hope to create a platform that represents the unique backgrounds, identities, and perspectives of care providers. Journeys is a space to share stories and sentiments that illustrate both individuality and experience as they contribute to the diversity of healthcare education and practice. By lifting the voices of many to be listened to and learned from, it is our mission to establish, cultivate, and promote a community of inclusion and empowerment with this newsletter.

This newsletter will accept and display submissions of multiple mediums from healthcare students and trainees. Edition-specific themes based in diversity, equity, and inclusion will be defined to inspire and feature related pieces from groups they may represent.  

Editors and Assistant Editors

Molly Ruiz, Drexel University COM ‘25

Lauren Wells, Drexel University COM ‘25

Raven Simmons, Drexel University COM ‘25

Jade Overton, Drexel University COM ‘24

Fatima Sawi, Virginia Commonwealth University B.S

Vicky Lam, Drexel University COM ‘25

Nicole Stone, FIU Herbert Wertheim COM ‘26

Faculty Advisors

Kristen Ryczak, M.D.

Assistant Professor of Family Medicine

Dennis Novak, M.D.

Professor of Medicine, Associate Dean of Medical Education, Drexel University COM

Barbara Lewis, M.B.A.

Antiracism Module Project Director, Drexel University COM